

Shot film, P.T.A.-Holes, written and directed by Caroline Gordon-Elliot.  Fun, great set with great people
Valer rehearsals start

Valer rehearsals start

Began rehearsals for the play, Valer, by Mandy Murphy, directed by Kayla Friend for a July 2018 opening.

Performed song “One Hot Mama” (by Wolfe & Miller) with Wendy Rosoff and Conchita Belisle Newman in A Little New Music (ALNM 10) concert at Rockwell Table and Stage.
Sign with VO agent

Sign with VO agent

Signs with American Rascals Talent agency for Voice Over in Los Angeles, CA
City of Light fundraiser concert

City of Light fundraiser concert

Performed 2 songs in a fundraising concert for my upcoming production of City of Light at the Noho Arts Center, North Hollywood, CA