gabrielle wagner
Actor | Singer | Playwright | Librettist | Lyricist
based in NYC | Tri-State area
Theatrical Demo Reel (1:26)
City of Light at 54 Below on 9/27/18 (1:24:46)

Began an MFA in Playwriting and Screenwriting
I was accepted and began my Masters of Fine Arts in Playwriting and Screenwriting at Point Park University led by Professors Matt Pelfrey, Molly Rice, Elise d’Haene and Andrew Swenson – Slated to graduate May 2022.

Net Worth (fka Bum Deal) opens
One-act play Net Worth (fka Bum Deal) runs at the Theatre Project’s Think Fast One Act Play Festival on February 21, 22, 23, 2020. At the Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts in Maplewood, NJ. Directed by Loran Moran Mills and starring Dan Johnson, Meaghan Beese and Deke Stoklosa. Runner up for Best Play and Audience Favorite, and Dan won for Best Actor.

Net Worth (fka Bum Deal) selected for Think Fast Festival
One-act play Net Worth (fka Bum Deal) has been selected for the Theatre Project’s Think Fast One Act Play Festival. It plays on February 21, 22, 23, 2020, at the Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts in Maplewood, NJ.

2020: a Fantasy opens
Opening night for 2020: a Fantasy written by Raven Petretti-Stamper at Shetler 54 Theatre. Only 5 performances so get your tix fast! Runs October 16 thru 20, 2019.

Cast in 2020: a Fantasy
Cast in new political satire, 2 hander, 2020: a Fantasy, written by Raven Petretti-Stamper, directed by Ken Wolf and starring opposite Timothy Babcock. Rehearsals start this week. Opens on October 16th, tix are already available here.

City of Light released on The Micro Musical Theatre Show
Musical City of Light has been released as of 3-10-19 on The Micro Musical Theatre Show, It’s also available on iTunes Podcasts and Spotify. This is a shortened down version (75 minute version) from the original (100 minute version) but you’ll still get the gist of the story and most of the songs. Have a listen!!!

Recording City of Light for TMMTS
Recording City of Light in the Bunker Studio (Brooklyn) and SandBlast Productions(NYC) for on The Micro Musical Theatre Show, produced by Alton Christiansen. Stay tuned for when it goes live on iTunes Podcasts and Spotify.

City of Light Table read at SandBlast
Table read of City of Light at SandBlast Productions(NYC) for on The Micro Musical Theatre Show, produced by Alton Christiansen.